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Neonatal Resuscitation Research Group

Patient-oriented research to improve provider performance

and clinical outcomes during neonatal resuscitation

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Neonatal resuscitation is a high acuity, low occurrence event. Limited high-quality evidence informs neonatal resuscitation treatment recommendations. Our group seeks to identify the best methods to monitor and perform neonatal resuscitation, with the ultimate goal of optimizing clinical outcomes for high-risk infants.

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We used respiratory function monitoring to characterize lung aeration after birth for newborns with congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Archives Disease Childhood Fetal Neonatal Edition

Taylor Wild


Respiratory function monitoring for newborns with CDH

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This multi-center observational study demonstrated the association between multiple tracheal intubation attempts and adverse safety outcomes.

Journal Perinatology

Neetu Singh


Harm associated with multiple intubation attempts

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This multi-center observational study investigated the association between video laryngoscope and intubation success in the NEAR4NEOS database

Journal of Perinatology

Ahmed Moussa


Association between videolaryngoscope and intubation success

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Dr. Foglia is an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and an academic neonatologist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Foglia’s research aims to characterize the epidemiology of neonatal resuscitation, to improve monitoring and clinical performance during resuscitation, and to identify interventions to prevent mortality and long-term disability in high-risk infants.

Elizabeth Foglia, MD, MSCE

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